Now that the reality of the 55 cm F1D is upon us I have decided to add this page to the Cloudbuster web page so that we can have a forum to share information about these models. I will publish any and all information that I can find or is submitted to me regarding this subject. I will include as many plans and pictures as possible, some will be actually on this page and others links to where they are located.
Hints and Tips
Check out this great web page describing the building of a old rules F1D
Check out Tim Goldstein's Indoor Duration Site for more F1D information
Here is the description of a knot useful for restricted rubber events.
Chart for calculating pitch angles of props
I have found a useful O ring material at the Hobby Shop that is strong and light. "Ace RC EZ fuel tubing. #60K96"
Click on Photo to open a larger version. ( click back button to return )
I will Be adding more information on this page as it becomes available. If you or someone you know has some information, plans, photos or other experiences relating to the new rules send it to me..
Fred Tellier